Our Services


'What information does your drone need to deliver?'

When it comes to using drones, it is crucial to choose the right one for the job. It's not enough to buy any drone, as not all drones are optimised for every challenge. That's why The Bionic Eye are here to help.

We supply complete systems and individual specialist components to support you in making the right choice for your task. To do so, we need to understand your specific needs and requirements, and we'll ask the right questions to clarify the scope of your challenge.

What is it you need to do?

What are the specific criteria you're working to?

Can you clarify any limitations or restrictions that are currently in place?

Could you describe what you currently have?

What are the deliverables?

Our view is that drones serve as transportation methods for sensors, allowing optimal sensor placement without compromising performance. By understanding what you need to capture, we can advise you on how to get the best business insights, and we always recommend what is best suited for your task.

We'll advise you on whether an "off-the-shelf" Enterprise drone is a good fit for more standard operation or if bespoke systems are necessary for payloads over 20Kgs to 250Kgs. We take pride in our expertise in the drone industry, and we assure you that we'll provide you with the best possible support in choosing the right drone for your task.

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information or support with your drone needs.

THE BIONIC EYE’S specialist


Custom Drones
Custom Drone Solutions
We build drones to your requirements. Each is tailored and optimised to give the best possible performance.
Custom Engineering
Uncompromised Results
Our drones are engineered to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh environments without compromising quality or functionality.
Consultancy & Research
Get the right part – first time!
Experience and connections within the industry are crucial. Working with the very best will get your project off the ground.
Development & Prototyping
Experience Matters
If you require new or specific components, we can design, prototype and test them for both one-off production and large runs.
Enterprise Drones
Off-The-Shelf Solutions
Our advice is impartial without any salesmen's commissions. We simply provide the best solutions to get the job done.
Specialist Drones
When the standard will not do
Working with our clients to drive technology and capability forwards.